CURA for the world is a 501 (c) 3 registered, not-for-profit organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. CURA partners with Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGOs”) in developing countries to build CURA Medical Clinics or Centers as apart of a three-fold model, to fight poverty. Our CURA Medical Clinic is designed to provide basic medical aid and medical education including proper hygiene practices. Our second arm of practice is food security through permaculture. Our third initiative is to address access to clean water through water-wells and diversion of existing water sources.
CURA for the world will provide a mentorship model in health education and food security at each CURA partnership site. CURA is focused on supporting and building lasting partnerships in low and middle income countries (LMIC) by providing ways to measure performance indicators and expected results of self-reliance and resilience in order to move every man, woman, and child forward by 2030.
The CURA Medical Clinic
CURA for the world and the Partnering Organization will partner and collaborate on building a medical clinic to promote the work of the Partner Organization and raise awareness about global health concerns. CURA will provide the Partnering Organization with monetary funding to build the CURA Medical Clinic. However, it is the sole responsibility of the Partner Organization to further develop and fund operations of the CURA Medical Clinic. Such development includes hiring a physician for a 1-2 days per week visits, develop fundraising capacity to furnish, stock, and implement in-country standard practices to register the clinic.
CURA for the world will donate the Clinic to the Partner Organization and should be named by example: Partner Organization CURA Medical Clinic or Center.
CURA for the world will provide monetary funding for signage.
CURA for the world will provide a surge medical mission trip to open CURA Medical Clinic to raise awareness in the community that our Partner Organization serves.
CURA for the world will interview prospective physicians and health care providers during the surge medical mission trip to create an advisory/mentorship relationship moving forward.
CURA for the world will provide an online platform named CURA telehealth as a way of interdisciplinary consultation service.
CURA for the world requires our Partner Organization to provide quarterly medical reports as guided by our templates.
CURA for the world and our Partnering Organization will assess the community’s need for food sustainability through peer-reviewed research, caloric intake, and childhood growth patterns. Once the need is evident, CURA for the world will provide access to permaculture experts through Humanity Unified International.
CURA for the world will require our Partner Organization to acquire minimum of 5 hectares as well as hire an on-site farmer to receive permaculture education and implement CURA’s food security plan.
CURA for the world requires our Partner Organization to provide quarterly food production reports as guided by our templates.
CURA for the world provides education to a community leader of our Partner Organization choice to educate their community on permaculture and intelligent farming practices.
"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system." - Dr Mollison
Water Access
CURA for the world and Partnering Organization will collaborate to address the global water crisis by researching the best practices needed to obtain clean water access in respective communities. CURA understands water shortages is not present on every CURA partner site and that sometimes diversion of water source is the root cause.
CURA for the world will provide monetary funding towards the clean water access apparatus.
CURA for the world will provide an on-site water testing and develop a report that is available for review by local authorities. Our testing includes; ph level, presence of lead, cooper, mercury, alkalinity, hardness, chlorine, nitrates, and nitrites.
CURA for the world will require our Partner Organization to provide any further testing and water filtration post-implementation of the project within 90 days.
CURA for the world and Partner Organization are to discuss water distribution methods and costs to the community prior to project implementation to determine the best routes to access community residents in need.
I write for the ill and the neglected;
For the cries of children,
And for the sounds of the unknown.
As I stand reaching for words,
When none could break the lament of my heart.
I reach for the displaced.
Their voices vanishing with the wind.
And my heart cries for their loss and misfortune.
Images of reality, mirroring stories of our ancestors.
From the March of Moses to the trail of tears.
Did man seize to see ?
That history speaks of those in silence.
To see Nations flaccid as a gourmand.
While children wither with thirst.
Gun powder staining their cheeks.
Oblivious to rivers running beneath their feet.
And fatuous men gather to speak,
As letters pile and mothers weep.
So We travel the earth,
In search of the neglected;
With the Courageous souls of the men and women of CURA for the world.
We have so much to do,
And we must do it together
Dr Trad