Humanity has been passing through a gray and desolate time of confusion. CURA for the world was founded to be a platform for those who want to fight for the poor and neglected.
CURA for the world foundation exists for the sole purpose of serving the weak and ill in all corners of the world. We are on a mission to partner with Non-Governmental Organizations in developing countries and help shift the focus of the communities they serve away from the basic elements of survival. We will attend to their illnesses through our medical clinics and health education. We will provide sustainable food sources through clean water and permaculture.
Let us all be a part of a beautiful world.
CURA chooses an NGO based on their location and needs and partners with them to build a medical clinic that will provide general medicine and minor trauma care.
CURA for the world sustain its efforts by donating the clinic to the sister organization in return allowing them to hire a local physician and/or a nurse for triage and treatment for a minimum once/twice a week affordable medical treatment. To provide education to locals regarding basic medical aid, proper hygiene and preventable diseases.
CURA for the world then creates a surge medical mission trip to open the clinic, providing awareness and creating a life long partnership with our sister NGOs as their medical advisors. By receiving Quarterly reports, we are able to analyze their data and provide adequate advice to further their efforts to serve their community.